Seventh-day Adventist Schools Tasmania have made child safety a priority in its response to the new Child Safe Standards.

There are 6 public facing documents on our website that share the child safe responsibilities and expectations across our school and college communities. These 6 documents form our Child Safe Program.

There is an overarching Child Safe Policy driving the other processes and procedures in our schools and colleges.

Within these documents, you will find codes of conduct and professional boundaries for adults and staff as well as a code of conduct for students.

These documents provide the platform for any member of the school or college community to respond to and report a child safe incident or concern. It also provides guidance on how to manage child safe complaints.

With these six public facing documents the school or college community will know what is appropriate and acceptable in relation to child safe matters.

Report a Child Safe Incident/Concern

If you believe a child is at immediate risk of abuse phone 000.

The Child Safe Standards require organisations providing services for children to have processes in place to respond to and report suspected child abuse. This reporting tool can be completed online by children, their families and workers.

This reporting tool is to be used for breaches of the Child Safe Adult* Code of Conduct and/or the Professional Boundaries of staff. So, this is about Reportable Conduct and/or Professional Misconduct.

*Adults/Staff of the school community include the Principal and the Leadership Team, all staff members including non-teaching staff and temporary or casual staff, all volunteers, all contractors, external education providers, teaching students on placement at the school/college, parents/carers and other adult family members of students and visitors.


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