18 Ling Street, Penguin, TAS 7316

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Our Beliefs


About Adventist Schools

Our teaching and faith values the family, as well as strong Christian beliefs and respect for others and ourselves. Whether your child is a Seventh-day Adventist, or follows another faith, we expect these values and principles to be upheld within our schools, and request a high standard of conduct both within and outside the school.

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Education based on faith

The Adventist independent school system is owned and operated by the Seventh-day Adventist Church.

Seventh-day Adventists are a Christian denomination with a desire to know God better and experience him more in their lives each day. Central to the daily practices of the Seventh-day Adventists is the Bible, which we believe is God’s message to mankind and through it, people can learn all they need to know about God and salvation, about the basic principles for human relationships and practical godliness.

In addition to strong Christian beliefs and principles, the Seventh-day Adventists believe in the health of spirit and of body. We promote a healthier lifestyle, free from alcohol, nicotine, and illegal drugs. This approach to health is promoted strongly within the Adventist independent school system and is one of the most valued aspects of our approach to teaching. You can feel safe in the knowledge that your children are learning in an environment where a healthy approach to life is the norm and they are supported in never using drugs or alcohol.

An extension of the Seventh-day Adventist healthy lifestyle is the vegetarian canteen that operates daily in our school, providing your child with a healthy alternative for lunch.

God’s presence in our schools

Although the Adventist independent schools are operated by a Christian organisation, they welcome students from all faiths and cultural backgrounds. We do not impose mandatory Church attendance on families who attend our schools, but you are all most welcome to join us at any time. Whilst we offer after-hours and weekend bible tuition, this is also a choice for each individual student.

Our teaching and faith values the family, as well as strong Christian beliefs and a respect for others and ourselves. Whether your child is a Seventh-day Adventist or follows another faith, we expect these values and principles to be upheld within our schools and request a high standard of conduct both within and outside the school.

As a Christian organisation, we do devote time to worship and learning about God and the bible. Your child will receive scripture classes, hear regular bible stories, and will be involved in a weekly chapel service. All students are encouraged to have a relationship with Jesus, and worship lies at the heart of our school communities.

Through our devotion, we aim to help the families at our schools raise responsible, mature and well-rounded children with balance to their lives.

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The future of the Adventist independent school system

The Adventist independent school system is committed to providing long-term quality education for you and your family.

Our Strategic Planning Committee plans for the future of our schools to ensure we continue to offer our excellent standard of Christian education. Their role is to ensure that the schools are able to run as financially sustainable units and maintain a healthy financial status to continue as well-resourced centres of education.

The schools are run professionally and accountably, both from a business and educational perspective, and are carefully managed in terms of building maintenance and improvement, many of our schools enjoying new facilities in recent times.

Our schools have a strategic management plan that will help direct the path of each school spiritually, academically, culturally, and philosophically in its activities. These plans are available to parents and community members from each individual school.